Known and appreciated among dietitians.Vegetable great for people who care about a slim figure because of its dietary properties - a small amount of calories (21 calories in 100 grams) and the content of manganese, which supports metabolism and accelerates fat burning from other dishes.
Yellow - white leaves with an interesting slightly bitter taste containing a substance with an alkalizing effect, which helps maintain the natural acid - alkaline balance, therefore it is worth recommending for people who eat a lot of meat, sausages and eggs.
Chicory is a great proposition for diabetics because it contains low carbohydrates and low IG - helps to regulate blood glucose levels.
It contains inulin, which is not digested in the gastrointestinal tract, and stimulates the development of good bacteria in the intestines, therefore it is great for the elderly, people after antibiotic therapy. Its regular consumption helps with colds, infections and preventing the formation of cancer cells. Eating it increases the production of red blood cells. It contains a number of vitamins valuable for the proper functioning of the body, including vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, and K.
Thanks to the high roughage content, it promotes the elimination of constipation and improves intestinal motility. Lowers cholesterol.
Few people know that thanks to vitamin A, it has rejuvenating and smoothing properties of the skin, and also has a beneficial effect on the condition of nails and hair, preventing them from breaking.
Chicory is a vegetable belonging to the family of biennial salad plants. It forms elongated white- yellow heads with characteristic refreshing bitter taste. We can make raw salads from it, and also tastes great on hot.
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